Where a Transformation Starts

Where a Transformation Starts

Most times when someone thinks of a fitness journey the initial thought is of someone trying to lose weight. But that is not always the case. Being fit is not always synonymous with being thin. Neither is being happy with how you look. I know that was the case with me. I was never a particularly large person, in fact, I was always small and skinny. And that was a fact I was not generally happy with. But eventually, I made a choice. I could stay the same and believe that how I looked, how I felt, and the shape I was, it was completely out of my control or I could take control and change those things. I wish I could say it was as easy as flipping a switch, but it wasn’t. All rewards come at a cost. To get a good result you must make a sacrifice. And often the bigger the result the bigger the sacrifice. Things just don’t come easy. And while for me some things came easy, gaining weight and being comfortable in my own skin would take some effort.

There is a proverb that says “Where no oxen are, the trough is clean, But much increase comes by the strength of an ox.” (Proverbs 14:4 NKJV) This is a simple proverb that is very relatable to farmers of the day and it relates to anyone who has a goal they want to accomplish. The short of it is that anything worth having takes effort. For the farmers, to harvest your crops and make money you needed an animal to help plow the fields, carry the crops, and do the heavy labor. The trough is where you put the food for the oxen to eat, so naturally, if you don’t have any ox you don’t need to put food in the trough. But if you don’t have any oxen you also won’t be harvesting a lot of crops, nor will you be making a lot of money (or increase). There is always a tradeoff. Oxen are big animals, they eat a lot, and poop a lot. So there is a lot of care and maintenance whenever you have one, but on the plus side,  it is worth the effort because having an ox means your profits will increase greatly.

I wanted my weight to increase greatly, I also wanted my happiness to increase greatly, but that wasn’t going to happen by just sitting around. I had to make some changes. And that is one thing that every person on a fitness journey has in common; every person is working hoping for some sort of change. This change could be a change in weight, a change in performance, a change in health, and even a change in how you feel. But before any of those things could change I had to make some changes. I had to change my way of thinking, change my attitude, and change my habits. So I did. I stopped thinking I could never gain weight. My attitude became one of determination, I started off with the attitude that I wasn’t going to stop until I got the results I wanted. Then my attitude became one of dedication, where I simply wasn’t going to stop, this was going to be a lifestyle change. And that is where the habits change.

Aside from changing my thoughts and attitude the biggest changes came from the following:

  1. Cut down on Fast-food, sugar, saturated fat, and empty calories
  2. Cook at home more
  3. Eat 4-6 meals a day
  4. Drink more water
  5. Continue to adjust my calorie intake until I started seeing a change
  6. Get on a consistent fitness plan fit for my body type and goals
  7. Learn as much as I can

These are 7 simple steps that gave me tremendous results. And the funny thing is that this list can be applied to anyone. Whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, whether you want to feel better or look better, no matter what health goal you have you can use this list. The primary differences came in steps 5 & 6. The number of calories and your fitness plan will make the difference in the results you have, but no matter what as long as you are doing all 7 steps you will see results. And I did. I knew If I cut out the junk I would have better nutrition (step 1). The only way to make sure I knew what was going into my body was to cook it myself (step 2). I had to eat more frequently to make sure I had enough calories (step 3). For others step 3 helps with controlling sugar levels and prevents overeating. I also learned if I drank more water my skin was cleaner, I digested my food better, and I performed in the gym better. Not to mention how much our bodies need water to survive. Having enough water just ensures your body functions properly (step 4). I knew I needed to eat more, how much I didn’t know. So I kept track of my calories until I saw a change. Once I did I knew for sure what would get me results (step 5). I lucked out that I had a friend who was studying to be a personal trainer and another who was an athlete. So they helped me develop a fitness plan (step 6). And I read, read, and read some more. I watched videos and enrolled in a personal training course (step 7). I knew that if I wanted to meet this goal I had to master my body instead of letting it master me.

If you want some sort of physical change it has to start in your mind first. You will have to adjust your way of thinking. Romans 12:2 tells us “…do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” One of the greatest changes we can make is a spiritual one, and that starts in the mind. Changing our bodies is no different, it starts in the mind. Paul tells us if we renew our minds we will see a transformation. Our minds are incredibly powerful, and often the battle is won or lost there. So if you start there, you will be ahead of the game. Changing your body is a physical change, and though it is a physical process that physical change cannot happen until you have a mental change first. Your mind and your body have to be in sync, yet once you get your body mind and spirit in sync then the transformation is incredible and often long-lasting. If you haven’t read the blog “Why Faith Matters in Fitness” I highly recommend it.