A Holistic Approach to Fitness

Welcome to Weights and Glory Glory

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More About Us

A Holistic Approach to Fitness

At Weights and Glory, we believe in nurturing your body, mind, and spirit through a unique fitness experience that combines the power of resistance band training, expert nutrition coaching, and the integration of faith. Our mission is to help you unlock your full potential and achieve a heathier, more balanced life. Through this your body, relationships, family, and life will be transformed. You were made to be something special, and we want to help you tap into that power.

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Years Experience

Resistance Band Training

Our versatile and effective workouts utilize resistance bands to help you build strength, improve flexibility, and increase endurance, regardless of your fitness level.

Nutrition Coaching

Our certified nutrition coaches will guide you on your journey towards better health, providing personalized meal plans and expert advice for optimal nutrition.

Faith Integration

Grounded in Christian values, our coaching and development approach fosters spiritual growth, inner strength, and a supportive community to accompany you on your fitness journey.

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Versatility and Accessibility: Train Anytime, Anywhere

Our virtual training platform allows you to access our expert-led workouts and coaching sessions from the comfort of your own home or wherever life takes you. With a variety of live and on-demand classes, you can easily incorporate fitness into your busy schedule and stay connected to our inspiring community.

Trusted Partner
Why Choose Us?

Versatility and Accessibility: Train Anytime, Anywhere

Our virtual training platform allows you to access our expert-led workouts and coaching sessions from the comfort of your own home or wherever life takes you. With a variety of live and on-demand classes, you can easily incorporate fitness into your busy schedule and stay connected to our inspiring community.

Our Sevices

Resistance Bands: Your All-In-One Fitness Solution

Unlock a World of Versatile, Effective, and Engaging Workouts

Welcome to Weights and Glory, where we take your fitness journey to new heights by incorporating the incredible benefits of resistance bands and gliding discs into our holistic, accessible, and faith-driven approach. Discover how our innovative training methods can transform your workouts and help you achieve your goals faster.

Full Fitness Solution

Our Weights and Glory resistance bands support an extensive range of movements and exercises, making them the perfect tool for stretching, strength training, and rehabilitation

Versatile Workouts

Resistance bands can be used for a wide variety of exercises, allowing you to target specific muscle groups and customize your workouts to meet your unique needs.

Compact and Portable

Lightweight and easy to pack, resistance bands are the ideal travel companion, ensuring you never miss a workout, no matter where you are.

Increased Flexibility

Improve your range of motion and flexibility with dynamic stretching exercises using resistance bands and gliding discs.

Muscle Toning

Shape and tone your body with targeted strength training exercises that utilize the progressive resistance levels offered by our Weights and Glory band system.


What's Clients Say About Weights & Glory

We make it our purpose to provide the strongest and most affordable in-home and travel fitness system. This is a system that not only improves your body, but your mind and spirit as well. Founded by a former athlete and first responder the system was designed with reliability and results in mind.

Since starting the Weights & Glory program my life has improved in more ways than I could have imagined. I have lost weight and toned up and I feel so much better in my own skin. I feel stronger and more confident, and lot of that has to do with the faith part of the program. The devotionals have also strengthened my faith and increased my patience.

Alexis Hudson


After my pregnancy I was having trouble dropping the weight and staying motivated. I needed a better way to balance my schedule and was looking for a way to renew my trust in myself. I found Weights & Glory and at first it was just about getting my body back but I gained so much more. I have the energy to enjoy my children again and my husband joined too. This help us stay connected and on track.

Maria Rodriguez


General Questions

Frequent Asked Questions!!

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As I started seeing progress, I saw my self-esteem improve as well. I began seeing myself in a more positive light, I embraced my journey, and regained my confidence.

Pricing Plans

Comportable pricing package & choose your best plan

Basic Membership

$ 19
  • Eleifend aut maxime metus.
  • Rhoncus commodo port.
  • Nisl netus, consequun.

Standard Membeship

$ 39
  • Eleifend aut maxime metus.
  • Rhoncus commodo port.
  • Nisl netus, consequun.

Ultimate Membeship

$ 59
  • Eleifend aut maxime metus.
  • Rhoncus commodo port.
  • Nisl netus, consequun.
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Achieve Your Goals. Unlock Your Full Potential.

Discover. Endure. Overcome. With our military-grade resistance bands, you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves us.

-Romans 8:31 “..in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us”

In-Home Fitness Training

Transform any room into your own personal gym with our innovative fitness system. Achieve your goals on your own time.

Cardio and Strength

The Weights & Glory Bands, are an incredibly versatile tool for enhancing both strength training and cardio workouts. They add adjustable levels of resistance to your movements, which can increase muscle strength and endurance without the need for heavy weights.