
Bench Press Calculator Form

Welcome to the Bench Press Calculator offered by Weights And Glory. Your go to tool, for unleashing the potential of your bench press strength. Whether you’re a lifter or just embarking on your fitness quest, our calculator is crafted to give you insights into your bench press capabilities.

Here at Weights And Glory we recognize the significance of monitoring progress and pushing boundaries. Our Bench Press Calculator is a user effective tool that helps you determine your one repetition maximum (1RM) for bench press without the need for computations. With a few inputs, you’ll obtain information to steer your training regimen and reach new milestones.

Be part of the community and elevate your bench press performance. Arm yourself with the knowledge and accuracy required to enhance your workouts and witness the triumphs of your strength journey. It’s time to enhance your bench press skills with the Weights And Glory’s Bench Press Calculator. Because every lift matters.

Bench Press Calculator Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Enter the weight you lifted in pounds.
Select the number of repetitions you completed with this weight.
Calculated one-rep max (1RM) and percentages of the 1RM.