About Us

More About Us

What we believe?

At Weights & Glory, we believe God has spoken a great deal in regards to our health. Our mission is to weave the wisdom of God’s word into the very fabric of your fitness journey. “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” – 1 Timothy 4:8. Understanding this we keep physical training in perspective by combining it with spiritual training as well. So as you grow physically you will grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well. This helped many of our clients avoid the pitfalls that hinder their self-image and self esteem.

Understanding the importance of a whole health approach we embrace a holistic approach to wellness that cherishes the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), nurtures the mind with a renewal from the Spirit (Romans 12:2), and nourishes the soul through faith.


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15 +

Years Experiences

Resistance Band Training

Our versatile and effective workouts utilize resistance bands to help you build strength, improve flexibility, and increase endurance, regardless of your fitness level.

Nutrition Coaching

Our certified nutrition coaches will guide you on your journey towards better health, providing personalized meal plans and expert advice for optimal nutrition.

Faith Integration

Grounded in Christian values, our coaching and development approach fosters spiritual growth, inner strength, and a supportive community to accompany you on your fitness journey.

Our Sevices

Resistance Bands: Your All-In-One Fitness Solution

Unlock a World of Versatile, Effective, and Engaging Workouts

Welcome to Weights and Glory, where we take your fitness journey to new heights by incorporating the incredible benefits of resistance bands and gliding discs into our holistic, accessible, and faith-driven approach. Discover how our innovative training methods can transform your workouts and help you achieve your goals faster.

Our founder brings a robust experience as a first responder, athlete, martial artist, and pastor. Weights & Glory integrates the discipline of martial arts, the resilience of athletic training, and the compassion of life-saving service to cultivate a program that builds strength, wisdom, and courage. "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13) is more than a verse; it's a profound understanding that Jesus is with us even in our everyday struggles. These struggles are present in the gym and out of the gym.

Full Fitness Solution

Our Weights and Glory resistance bands support an extensive range of movements and exercises, making them the perfect tool for stretching, strength training, and rehabilitation

Versatile Workouts

Resistance bands can be used for a wide variety of exercises, allowing you to target specific muscle groups and customize your workouts to meet your unique needs.

Compact and Portable

Lightweight and easy to pack, resistance bands are the ideal travel companion, ensuring you never miss a workout, no matter where you are.

Increased Flexibility

Improve your range of motion and flexibility with dynamic stretching exercises using resistance bands and gliding discs.

Muscle Toning

Shape and tone your body with targeted strength training exercises that utilize the progressive resistance levels offered by our Weights and Glory band system.

Our programs provide resistance band training that challenges and strengthens your physical being. We combine physical training with nutrition coaching rooted in Biblical principles. With detailed devotionals you will be able to lay a foundation for a fit body and a nourished soul. Faith integration is at the core of our program, which allows your fitness regime to become an act of worship and a testimony to the stewardship of His creation.

We understand that each person is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), you were made with a purpose (Ephesians 2:10) which means you have extraordinary potential eing made in the image of Jesus Christ. Our goal is clear: to guide you toward a more abundant life In Jesus Christ, where physical health, stronger relationships, and a deepened faith converge.

Embark on this journey with us at Weights & Glory. Follow us as we follow Christ on the path of health and wellness. You are called for greatness. Join our community, where every rep, every meal, and every prayer is a step closer to the glory that awaits.